












标签: 苏州代孕费用


下一篇:江西三代试管包性别-贵州三代试管生儿子-紧急寻问 - 脂肪瘤开刀的问题


2022-06-29 16:20:10

我有在 Target、Sears 和 Motherhood 买过

去试穿会比较準 打折时买起来都不贵

通常你怀孕前穿什么 size,孕妇装就买什么 size







2022-06-29 16:20:10

I bought my jean at Old Navy I am Petite size so it's kind of difficult to find fit maternity pants in the State (normally the leg is too long for me)You can also go to Target

My coworker gave me something called "the belly band" It was great Before 6 months, a lot of time I wear that belly band with my original pants unzipped

below is a picture of belly bandI don't know where to buy but you can search online

As for the top, I didn't buy any maternity top Just wear something loose and long

2022-06-29 16:20:10

You should start buying maternity clothes usually around the time when your regular clothes don't fit anymore I think you can start shopping for maternity clothes now From your description, your regular clothes can probably last another 2-3 weeks

When I was pregnant with my first 宝宝, I tried to save some money by buying clothes that were 1 or 2 sizes bigger Instead of looking "pregnant", I just looked fat!

When I was pregnant the second time, I decided that I want to look like a fashionable pregnant mo妹妹y, instead of a fat mo妹妹y I tried to stay away from clothes that have drawstrings at the back (most of the maternity clothes from Taiwan looked idiotic) That was a few years before Old Navy and Gap offered maternity clothes

I would suggest that you start shopping for maternity clothes, in regular stores or on-line Look for sale and clearance items Target has maternity clothes on clearance all the time, especially at it's 75% off racks

I used to shop at Mimi Maternity and Motherhood at our local mall, but Mimi Maternity is now A Pea In the Pod I had to go to a we弟弟ing while I was pregnant and I got a dress at a Pea In the Pod

Then I found a great maternity store called Japanese Weekend

It's a little pricey, but I always look at their clearance racks I still have the 2 tops I bought at the Japanese Weekend store for $35 each (reg $70) I got to wear them over and over again, especially right after I gave birth NOTE: I only gained 15 lbs with my 2nd pregnancy due to gestational diabetes, but I gained 15 more lbs while 坐月子。So I wore maternity clothes even 6 months after the 宝宝 was born

When you buy maternity clothes on sale ahead of time, pay attention to season You probably need a lot of maternity t-shirts and shorts because most of your pregnancy will be during the su妹妹er months

你可以在Target, Old Navy,和 Gap 买到便宜的孕妇装或裤子,一定要去它们的clearance rack 找。你也可以往ebay或 craigslist,不过我比较不喜欢穿人家穿过的旧衣服。我曾经在Target看过五元以下的maternity jeans,所以没有必要买二手的衣服穿。不管怎样妳一定要先试穿。妳现在会比较难预测怀胎八个月时的身材,所以会比较难预先买以后的衣服,因为不知道妳将来的size 不过妳可以有事没事多到 Target 逛逛,妳就可以看到很多孕妇装或裤子的bargains, 顺便散步。

Post questions if you have any

(原作者于 2009-02-27 10:08:03 重新编辑过)

(原作者于 2009-02-27 10:09:53 重新编辑过)

(原作者于 2009-02-27 10:11:18 重新编辑过)

(原作者于 2009-02-27 10:15:50 重新编辑过)

2022-06-29 16:20:10

Motherhood 的衣服还不错!!!便宜选择也多!!!

可以的话上网订购会更便宜!!!! ^_^


所以可以请漂亮妈妈们 参考看看唷!!


Have a nice day

2022-06-29 16:20:10

记得保留妳的收据。在三十天内只要妳还没有穿过,店家都会退钱给妳。Target 更好,它的退还时效是九十天! 所以我比较喜欢到店裏去买,因为退东西比邮购、网购方便。不过如果妳很少开车或者是不开车的话,网购的确是很方便。想当年怀第一胎时,我还没有资格拿到便宜的保险,所以乾脆就不开车。要shopping 时就趁老公下班后或weekend 时叫老公陪 shopping。当年如果有便宜的网购就方便多了。

(原作者于 2009-02-27 16:44:45 重新编辑过)